"Wonder Woman 1984" Is A Great 2020 Christmas Gift That Uplifts!

Travis Grade Of: [A-]

Would I recommend YOU to pay to see this in the theater? 

My Critique On "WW84" is this - I have been waiting eagerly for this BIG......EXPLOSIVE........HUGE........PHENOMENAL BLOWOUT of a film, but what I saw was........

Film Synopsis: In 1984, Diana Prince (played by Gal Gadot) comes into conflict with two formidable foes - media businessman Maxwell Lord (played by Pedro Pascal) and friend-turned-enemy Barbara Ann Minerva aka Cheetah (played by Kristen Wiig) - while reuniting with her love interest, Steve Trevor (played by Chris Pine).

Classification of Film: Adventure, Action, & Fantasy

.....just that, but I wish that it could have been MORE exhilarating and MORE powerful - just MORE of everything. Just more! MORE! MORE! MORE! 

Let me say this......I must have seen the trailer to this almost a dozen times & I am not talking about on my cell phone, or laptop on my own personal time - I mean each and every time I went to the theater this trailer was shown in EVERY movie that I have seen in theaters since the pandemic leading up this point -

....the same exact trailer was shown in EVERY movie that I saw; so when I saw a scene that was in the trailer came on in the movie, or I'd hear a line or even saw a facial expression that I saw in the trailer, I felt like I could check it off my checklist (as if I had one, actually) to see if it matched up. 

Do you know how in some movies, things are shown in the trailers, but then when you see the movies you are looking for it or maybe certain scenes because you have a "favorite part?" That happened for me in this. The ENTIRE trailer was spread out in the film and I loved that. 

I also loved that the start of the film laid the groundwork for the entire film and matched the end. When the film came on there was a competition in Themyscira and Diana was given a lecture AFTER the competition was over by her mother and her Aunt about the meaning of honesty and truth and the phrase that they told her was this -"no hero is born from lies." 

That phrase is what this entire movie was about - Maxwell Lord. He wanted to take a shortcut to win; to gain success. There are NO shortcuts in life or to success. You have to fight; you have to prevail to win. Nothing comes to no one easily. 

You have to practice, put one foot forward in front of the other and go for what you want and do not cheat. That is the lesson Max had to learn and what young Diana had to learn as well and I caught that connection which is most likely why the film began that way. I wish that Diana's mother could have been in the film instead of only in the beginning. 

Having Steve Trevor act like Diana reacted to things in the first movie because he had been away for so long was funny the way re reacted to everything because it was 1984! Funny! The mall scene was hilarious to me when Wonder Woman tries to stop to robbery! The kids and how she saves them and also their little cute faces and how they react to her was so cute! No lie! 

Casting Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman I feel is pure perfection. She has the vibe! She has the look! She has the magic! She has the skills! She has it all! I know that Lynda Carter originated the role, but Gal Gadot is SIMPLY AMAZING! I applaud her taking on such an iconic role like this and she "soars" with it! To say that this film takes place 60 years later, Diana is dressing and looking like it is 2020 and not 1984. When I saw how she looked, i was like saying to myself, are we watching this in 1984? Lol? Look at her wardrobe? 

They made this in 1984? Really? Wow! Lol! Getting to the character of Barbara - she, at first was a timid and shy nice woman who everyone just talked to any kind of a way and bullied until she met Diana - strong, sexy, fierce, and Barbara admired that and wanted to be like her. 

To expound on that just a little bit further, when someone meets a person who is someone influential to them or they see them as a role model, they can look up to that person and they can get to know that person and hang around them and learn from them how to be that way and not take such drastic measures as Barbara did. 

Not saying that there are magical emeralds around the world where you can make a wish to be strong and fearless. People can change; people can adapt and be whoever they choose and want to be - it is how they go all about it. Being strong, to me, does not mean going around fighting and throwing people around and breaking things. 

Being strong to me is knowing that you are strong enough to be vulnerable, being able to speak your mind without using obscene language, acting like a lady or a gentleman, respecting everything and everyone around you, knowing how to handle difficult situations, knowing how to talk to people and not at them, knowing how to be mature, knowing how to think and not to react, etc. 

All of these things are things that Diana was talking about when she told Barbara look at what she is losing about herself because she wants to be a strong bad-ass, literally. 

Don't lose yourself and become someone or something that you are not to be feared - be respected and not feared. Diana has a special message for you in the movie and you will know when she is talking to you......yes, YOU! Heed her words...



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