"Just Mercy" Has Controversy - But In The End....There Is Both Justice And Mercy!

Travis' Grade Of: [A+]


My Critique On "Just Mercy" is this - IT IS SENSATIONAL AS CAN BE! STANDING OVATION TO BOTH JAMIE FOXX & MICHAEL B. JORDAN! HANDS DOWN! I had to get that out first & foremost......

Film Synopsis: World-renowned civil rights defense attorney, Bryan Stevenson (played by Micheal B. Jordan) works to free an wrongly condemned death-row prisoner named Walter McMillan (played by Jamie Foxx)!

Classification of Film: Biography, Crime, & Drama

...because it needed to be said and stressed to you before you proceed any further in reading my review on this DYNAMITE film! Watching what Lawyer Stevenson & McMillian had to face and endure during that time where racism and prejudices were high and very visible made me proud to be an African American man! 

Yes, I am proud of it! Those two men endured the worst possible treatment any individual NO matter what race they may be had to deal with! I was literally putting my head down
when I saw how the white cops, lawyers, judges, people were treating them JUST BECAUSE they were men of color and wanted to make an example out of both of them by making it hell on the lawyer and even more hell on the death row inmate, Walter McMillian played fiercely by Jamie Foxx. 

I mean I simply cannot put into words how powerful this film was. As much as I support African American movies especially ones that are based on true events, there are some that are so raw and real that I would not even want to buy it to own on DVD for the simple fact is that it sickens me to how people are sentenced to death & are innocent and how people will be corrupt and lie, cheat, and steal and do whatever is necessary in order to keep a good person down and I do NOT care if you are yellow, black, pink, white, blue, etc. 

I just do not think that I could keep a constant reminder of those harsh times in my home. No individual should behave the way the people did in this film who wanted to stop a good African American lawyer of wanting to set death row inmates free who deserved to be free. 

There are people who need to be locked up and there are others who are innocent or is falsely accused and it is years before they can be free and that is just not right - someone has to fight for them and I respect ANYONE who is willing to do that out of the goodness of their own heart!

COLOR DOES NOT MATTER! It is a shame that racism still and will always exist. It cannot be erased. There is a scene in the movie with one a fellow inmate who was actually sentenced to death by electric chair & I was so scared because they showed everything leading up to his execution and I thought that was going to be shown on screen and I am so glad that it wasn't. 

But the reaction from Jordan after his execution was over was simply was PHENOMENAL, SPEECHLESS, FLAWLESS, REAL, JUST WOW! TRUST ME! Jordan deserves so many nominations for his role in the movie as should Jamie Foxx! I can go on and on and give the acclaim to these two great men and never stop. 

THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST FILMS THAT I HAVE SEEN IN THE NEW 2020 YEAR and I think that it will be of all time! I have the highest respect and adoration for the Caucasian actors in the film that had to use the "n" word because I have read articles where some actors have a issue saying that word in films set in a time like that. 

I simply can respect the fact that films such as these kinds are still being made to spark a change in the ones that are needed to be targeted towards who behave maybe not as openly prejudice, but who do have any type of racism in their hearts and minds. 

Everyone has a choice - people who are racist choose to be racist; people choose their own path and destinies. People can make their own choices; if you make the right choices then all good things will follow!

You have to KNOW & believe that - that is what this picture above represents the REAL LIFE Lawyer Stevenson (pictured on the right) and the REAL LIFE Walter McMillan (pictured of the left). McMillian fought to survive when all had turned against him and Lawyer Stevenson just fought - fought for what he believed in righteousness, justice, & mercy!



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