"The Gentlemen" Needs To Be Stabbed With An Infectious Pen!

Travis' Grade Of: [D+]

Would I recommend YOU to pay to see this in the theater? OH MY GOSH! NO! NO! NO!A GREAT CAST JUST GONE TO WASTE! A TOTAL WASTE!

My Critique On "The Gentleman" is this - I will ONLY clap and salute to McConaughey as he is doing below. Lol! He was remarkable in.....

Film Synopsis: A British drug lord (played Matthew McConughney) tries to sell off his profitable empire to a dynasty of Oklahoma billionaires!

Classification of Film: Crime, Action, & Comedy

.....in the movie simply because he played the part of a drug lord - perfectly! I give him ALL the praise and accolades! He deserved it. He made me think back to The Godfather! Lol! Michelle Dockery who plays Peason's wife acted like the wife of a mobster crime boss. 

I loved that about her. She fit the character and was bad-ass! No joke, but that was all that was good about the movie! I disliked it a lot. To have such a well-known cast and to be such a flop was ridiculous! 

I cannot believe that this came to theaters. This is a movie that should have gone directly to DVD. I''m always cursed with seeing at least 1 movie - or two - or maybe more but no mare than 10 that looks inviting and
enjoyable but all the good parts are given away in the trailer/s because the film was lacking common sense, it did not full explain things to you - so it was like a mystery and it was twisting and turning all over the place. 

I hate moves that show the ending first and then the film rewinds and tells the story! Why? What is the purpose of that? I never understood that at all - not one bit! I cannot go on any longer about this because I will need a drink myself as Mickey Pearson drank a lot in the movie! Do not rush out to see this because it is like watching cheese melt...it is not fascinating one little bit!


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